In addition, it is recommended that the preparation be used for corn, mustard October, peas, soybeans, chickpeas, cotton, forage crops, fruit crops, etc. Its use in products has a long-term positive application.
The mechanism of action of enzymes in the preparation "Amylazine-1000":
* to increase the speed of metabolic processes in soil and plants;
* increase the coefficient of assimilation of nutrients and fertilizers by soil microflora and plants by converting difficult-to-access compounds into accessible forms;
* prevents the growth and development of most pathogenic fungi, root rot and phytophthora;
* accelerate the decomposition processes of plant residues in the surface layer of the soil;
* toxic substances (pesticides, heavy metal salts, etc.) Destroy•) to make them neutral or usable for their inclusion in the natural biochemical processes occurring in soil and plants.